Day: July 18, 2023

What is Clairvoyance?What is Clairvoyance?


Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to see energy as colors, voyance discount audiotel and images. This is different from the clairsentient abilities of feeling what another person feels (empathic). Clairvoyants can also read the aura, psychometry, and the emanations of objects to gain historical and emotional information.

People who are clairvoyant often have vivid dreams and daydreams that feel so real they may be confused about whether it is a dream or reality. People with clairvoyant gifts often get information from their Spirit Guides through these visions. They can also see events in the past and future of individuals or places. It is not uncommon for them to know what will happen in a situation before it even takes place.

Understanding Symbols and Signs in Clairvoyant Readings

Seeing is the strongest form of clairvoyance, but being able to connect with others on a telepathic level is a powerful part of this gift as well. Those who are clairvoyant can pick up on feelings from others in their proximity, such as if they have fear or anxiety. They can also sense things around them, such as if the environment is safe.

One of the most common ways that clairvoyants can improve their intuition and connect with others is through meditation. They can use the visualization techniques to strengthen their clairvoyant muscle and clear out any blocks that are keeping them from seeing clearly. They can also sit opposite someone else and try to send them an image in their mind. Then, they can ask them what they saw and what it meant.